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Jewish New Testament OE

List Price: $19.99
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Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 9653590103
EAN: 9789653590106
Version: Amplified Bible
The New Testament is a Jewish book-by Jews, mostly about Jews, and for Jews as well as Gentiles.
  • Old English Version
  • Burgundy Imitation Leather
  • 436 Pages
The New Testament is a Jewish book-by Jews, mostly about Jews, and for Jews as well as Gentiles. Its central figure, the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), was and is a Jew.
Vicarious atonement, salvation. immersion (baptism), the new coventmant and the very concept of a Messiah are all Jewish. In sum, the New Testament is built upon and completes trhe Hebrew Scripture.
Translated by David H. Stern
Uses neutral terms and Hebrew names
Highlights Jewish features and Jewish references
Corrects mistranslations from an anti-Jewish theological bias
436 pp.