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We are proud to bring you the Greatest Book Ever Written
Whether you are a Christian or not, there is no doubt that the Bible has been and remains the most popular book
in the world. That is for good reason. The Bible offers us a chance to find out who God is and what our
relationship with Him was and is.
We have chosen to make possible more hearing of the Word through this web site. After all, the Bible was originally an "oral book". The Word of God was told over campfires, in gatherings and amongst followers of Jesus. People heard the stories and passed them on.
Now you can hear the stories and the Wisdom, and possibly find new understanding. We will be constantly up-dating The Bible Source to give you more convenience and value…with innovations that provide growth and understanding of our one and only product…The Bible.
Amplified Popular translation used to help understand the hidden meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew languages,
expanded Bible text with added synonyms, explanatory notes in parentheses, a unique system of punctuation, italics,
and references.
CEB - Common English Version
The Common English Bible is a translation of the scriptures intended to be a comfortable reading level for over half
of all English readers. It attempts to substitute more traditional biblical terminology with more natural wording.
thought-for-thought and word-for-word
CEV - Contemporary English Version
Clear, simple English that even a child can understand, but with a mature style that adults can appreciate.
ESV - English Standard Version
A recent version, produced by theologically conservative scholars, which slightly updates the RSV.
GNT - Good News Translation [formerly called TEV (Today's
English Version) and GNB (Good News Bible)]
Ooriginally translated by the American Bible Society (ABS) for speakers of English as a second language but found by
many native English speakers to be a very readable and helpful translation. The GNT is characterized, on the whole, by
natural English. Its ABS successor is the CEV.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
The twentieth century has produced more Bible translations than any other. This includes English as well as foreign
language translations. GOD'S WORD®, produced at the end of this century by our mission society, fills a need that
has been claimed, but in actuality remains unmet, by other English Bibles: to communicate clearly to today's Americans
without compromising the accuracy of the Bible's message. This new translation consciously combines scholarly fidelity
with natural English.
HCSB - Holman Christian Standard Bible
Produced by Lifeway, a Southern Baptist publishing house, but with an interdenominational translation team. The HCSB
attempts to be more readable than the NASB but more literal than the NIV.
KJV - King James Version
Traditionally loved and accepted translation, known for its poetic, dignified presentation of Scripture in 17th
Century English
NAB - New American Bible
Published under the direction of Pope Pius XII, this Catholic version of the Bible represents more than 25 years of
effort by the Catholic Biblical Association of America. A clear straightforward translation that reads smoothly.
Written in basic American English.
NABRE - New American Bible Revised
Released on March 9, 2011, the New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) is the culmination of nearly 20 years of
work by a group of nearly 100 scholars and theologians, including bishops, revisers and editors. The NABRE includes a
newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of
the New Testament.
NASB - New American Standard Bible
Most widely used literal translation, for readers who prefer a word-for-word approach, NASB updates the American
Standard version into more current English.
NET - New English Translation
Team of 20 translators. This version uses a relatively literal translation approach. It is, however, more readable
than more literal versions such as the NASB. It will make a good study version for those already familiar with the
Bible. Its website, like several other Bible version websites, lists its translation principles. Its most noticeable
feature is the huge number of informative footnotes explaining NET translation decisions and giving other background
information. This version is Internet-friendly with footnotes clickable from the main text.
NCV - New Century Version
Originally translated for children under the title International Children's Version. It has undergone some revision so
that it can be appreciated by adults, as well. Very readable. Several formats are available for children and adults.
NIV - New International Version
World's best-selling contemporary translation, smooth-reading and highly accurate, uses Modern English
NIRV - New International Reader's Version
Translation designed for children and early readers, uses simple and short words, Modern English.
NJB - New Jerusalem Bible
The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) is a Catholic translation of the Bible published in 1985. The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB)
has become the most widely used Roman Catholic Bible outside of the United States. It has the imprimatur of Cardinal
George Basil Hume. Like its predecessor, the Jerusalem Bible, the New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) version is translated
"directly from the Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic." The 1973 French translation, the Bible de Jerusalem, is
followed only "where the text admits to more than one interpretation." Introductions and notes, with some
modifications, are taken from the Bible de Jerusalem.
NKJV - New Kings James Version
Modern language update of the KJV, easier word usage while still using 17th Century sentence structure
NLT - New Living Translation
Dynamic equivalence translation developed by scholars sought to produce the closest natural equivalent to the message
in contemporary English
NRSV - New Revised Standard Version
A Bible for Christians - A widely accepted translation in the tradition of King James Version. Purpose was to "make
good one better." Published in 1990. Contemporary, dignified with generic language with reference to humans. Balance
between word-for-word and thought-for-thought.
RVR 1960 Spanish Translation
This is the Bible version that most Spanish speaking Christians rely on, so if you're buying for a Spanish speaking
friend the RVR is the version you'll want to choose.
TM - The Message
Attractive, gripping English style, overall. A real pleasure to read. The Message challenges and convicts me as no
other recent English Bible translation does. Occasional overuse of idioms not familiar to the majority of fluent
English speakers. The Message is reviewed by John R. Kollenberger III.
TLB - The Living Bible
An English version of the Bible created by Kenneth N. Taylor. It was first published in 1971. Unlike most English
Bibles, The Living Bible is a paraphrase. Mr. Taylor used the American Standard Version of 1901 as his base text.
TNIV - Today's New International Version.
The history of Bible translation is a story as complex and detailed as the texts themselves. Countless scholars and
translators have worked to bring the Bible to English-speaking people in a language that is as accurate and
understandable as possible. Join us as we journey into this story and discover how Today's New International Version
(TNIV) continues the life-giving legacy of communicating the Bible's timeless truth in today's language. Remaining
unswervingly faithful to the original ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic biblical texts, the TNIV speaks to today's
world in today's words