As amazing artwork draws your children into God's redemptive story, hands-on activities launch them into everyday faith adventures in this one-year devotional companion to "The Action Bible."
Annotation: As amazing artwork draws your children into God's redemptive story, hands-on activities launch them into everyday faith adventures in this one-year devotional companion to "The Action Bible."
You're substituting for the children's Sunday school teacher and you've got 10 minutes to prepare. What do you do? Go to the book that has 52 instant lessons! 5 to 12 Paperback
Whoa! Now children's ministry workers are a fingertip away from a comprehensive source for fun Bible games. Includes 175 just-right games for any situation--Bible story games,
The Homeschooling Book of Lists is a comprehensive, authoritative, and user-friendly resource for homeschoolers or anyone considering teaching their child at home.