Now available in this easy-to-read Large Print edition! The popular NLT Every Man's Bible is designed to help men develop a fuller, richer relationship with Jesus as they understand what the Scriptures have to say about the challenges they face. The Every Man's Bible has thousands of notes on topics such as work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. TuTone, LeatherLike, Tan, With thumb index
The Bible for every battle every man faces! This is a man's type of Bible-straight talk about the challenges of life. Every Man's Bible has thousands of notes on topics from work, sex, and competition to integrity and more and trusted advice from the pros, just for men. Every Man's Bible is written by Steve Arterburn, the best-selling author of the Every Man's series. Brown LeatherLike.
The NLT Giant-Print Personal-Size Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is a new edition of a Tyndale classic, with a highly readable text and an appealing layout that fit into a thin, easy-to-carry size. The giant size typeface will make for an easy reading experience of God's Word and this Bible also has the added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app. Soft leather-look, black/onyx.
The NLT Giant-Print Personal-Size Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is a new edition of a Tyndale classic, with a highly readable text and an appealing layout that fit into a thin, easy-to-carry size. The giant size typeface will make for an easy reading experience of God's Word and this Bible also has the added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app. Genuine black leather.
The Bible Reading Experience: Reimagined
The NLT Giant-Print Personal-Size Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is a new edition of a Tyndale classic, with a highly readable text and an appealing layout that fit into a thin, easy-to-carry size. The giant size typeface will make for an easy reading experience of God's Word and this Bible also has the added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app. Soft leather-look, rustic brown
The NLT Giant-Print Personal-Size Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is a new edition of a Tyndale classic, with a highly readable text and an appealing layout that fit into a thin, easy-to-carry size. The giant size typeface will make for an easy reading experience of God's Word and this Bible also has the added resources and benefits of the unique Filament Bible app. Genuine brown leather.