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Parallel Bibles

Span RVR 1960 KJV Bilingual Personal Size Bible Hardcover Indexed

ISBN: 1433619962
EAN: 9781433619953
Version: Reina-Valera

Una Biblia bilingüe que une la elegancia de la Reina-Valera 1960 con la belleza poética de la versión inglesa King James. Práctico tamaño personal.

List Price: $34.99
Save: $3.00 (9%)
Availability: In Stock

Span RVR 1960 NIV Bilingual Bible Tan DuoTone

ISBN: 0829763015
EAN: 9780829763010
Version: New International Version
Un mensaje idéntico en dos idiomas diferentes y dos traducciones diferentes en la New International Version y la Biblia RVR 1960. Tan DuoTone
List Price: $49.99
Save: $10.00 (20%)
Availability: In Stock

Span-NVI/NIV Bilingual Bible Comfort Print Hardcover

ISBN: 0829767932
EAN: 9780829767933
Version: Nueva Version Internacional

La Biblia Bilingüe NVI/NIV contiene dos traducciones reconocidas y confiables de la Biblia en español e inglés, presentadas en columnas paralelas. Hardcover

List Price: $34.99
Save: $6.00 (17%)
Availability: In Stock

Spanish Bilingual Bible-PR-RV 1960/KJV

ISBN: 1558190279
EAN: 9781558190276
Version: Reina-Valera

This is a quick and easy parallel edition of the Bible. All the elegance of the Reina Valera Revisión 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James. Black hardcover.

List Price: $29.99
Save: $4.00 (13%)
Availability: In Stock

Spanish RVR 1960 KJV Large Print Bilingual Bible Hardcover

ISBN: 1586409476
EAN: 9781586409470
Version: Reina-Valera

Esta Biblia bilingüe combina toda la elegancia de la Reina-Valera 1960 con la belleza poética de la versión en inglés King James. Black Cloth Hardcover.

List Price: $34.99
Save: $6.00 (17%)
Availability: In Stock

The Bible's Cover-Stories Revealed

ISBN: 0615160743
EAN: 9780615160740
revealing three cover-stories in the Bible's Books of Genesis and Exodus.
  • Paperback
  • 40 Pages
List Price: $24.95
Save: $4.00 (16%)
Availability: In Stock

The Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible NKJV/ESV/NLT/The Message

ISBN: 0195281802
EAN: 9780195281804
Version: Amplified Bible
Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible brings four translations essential to the evangelical Christian community together in one book. Multi-Colored Hardcover
List Price: $54.99
Save: $9.00 (16%)
Availability: In Stock

The Interlinear Bible Hebrew Greek English, Vol 4 - New Testament

ISBN: 1589606078
EAN: 9781589606074
Version: Parallel Bibles

A complete interlinear Bible available in English-and it's keyed to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance! Hardcover

List Price: $54.99
Save: $2.00 (4%)
Availability: In Stock

The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament

ISBN: 1565639790
EAN: 9781565639799
Version: King James Version

This interlinear is keyed to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and is available in this convenient one volume edition. Greek & KJV. Hardcover.

List Price: $34.99
Save: $5.00 (14%)
Availability: In Stock