Christian Gifts for Children

ChildrenLooking for gifts for children? Even as babies are beginning to crawl, toddlers are learning to speak, and preschoolers are starting to cooperate with playmates, they can begin to discover God’s Word and God’s world through play. Are you looking for ideas for Sunday school?

Looking for gifts to give your Sunday school students? Whether it’s a holiday or a birthday, celebrate with fun children’s toys, games, books, and more from

Gift giving is an art of sharing your love to people and make this a way too for them embracing and appreciating Christianity by giving those gifts that introduces Christ as their savior.

Some gift for children ideas.

The Gift of a Child

Dear God, I thank You for the gift of this child to raise, this life to share, this mind to help mold, this body to nurture, and this spirit to enrich. Let me never betray this child’s trust, dampen this child’s hope, or discourage this child’s dreams. Help me, dear God, to help this precious child become all you mean him to be. Let your grace and love fall on him like gentle breezes and give him inner strength and peace and patience for the journey ahead.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

Help make disciples. Start at home by teaching your children the importance of God’s Gospel. Be the one to introduce Christianity to your little angels.

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